Hello Netherlands!

Hello Netherlands!

Hi guys,

Hope you’re all doing well! Just want to update everyone.. I finished my school in Aruba and I moved to the Netherlands to study Media and Entertainment Management.

I’ve been here for three months now and I live in the Hague, completely love it! I do miss Aruba’s beaches and my family but I admire how International the Hague feels. Also there are so many stores to shop!!


I study Media and Entertainment Management at In Holland University in the Hague.  Before I came to the Netherlands I have honestly never been to the school before, but lucky me.. the school is amazing πŸ˜€ I truly feel that this study fits me, I get to organize events, make films, write commercial scripts, work with social media advertising, pitch for companies and so much more!

Inholland The Hague

In Holland The Hague

PS. My study is International and because of this I meet students from all over the world, its so interesting to learn things from different cultures and places. Met people from Egypt, Greece, Italy, Africa, Germany and the list keeps on going.

My workplace in school during my free time

My workplace in school during my free time

Sorry for not being so active these last weeks, but I got lots of new things coming and.. I will start traveling in Europe soon!! πŸ˜€

Let me know if you have any questions, would be more than happy to answer them!

Xx Jenna







The fair in Amsterdam

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Had to get some cotton candy of course πŸ™‚

Beach walks in Scheveningen

Beach walks in Scheveningen


Lots of love to Bianca Klebert and Bibi Jane for taking pictures of me ♥



  1. Jeff
    November 20, 2016 / 9:31 am

    Best of wishes in your studies. Love the photos.

  2. Ginel thiel
    November 20, 2016 / 10:01 am

    Hey jenna uncle is missing you so much I am so proud of you keep it up I’m your biggest fan?‍♀️?????

  3. November 20, 2016 / 10:54 am

    Amazing blog!! Can’t wait to visit you

  4. Dolores.
    December 5, 2016 / 5:59 am

    Heey Kanjer,net je blog ontdekt,super leuk en ik ga het zeker volgen. Ben trots op je,je doet het zo goed in mijn nu koude kikkerlandje. Knuf,Dolores.

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